Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Warp & Weft Calculations

For those of you who do not know the back ground story behind this shawl, here are the Cliff Notes.  I wanted to spin a random yarn to understand grist.  I was then going to knit a shawl with the finished yarn.  Well the experiment went horribly wrong and I did not have enough yarn to knit my shawl.  I ended up with a yarn that had 28 WPI (693 YPP).  To top it off I only had 8 ounces which gave me 346.5 yards. 
This lead me to thinking.  Since weave structures are linear, for the most part, could I weave the shawl using this yarn?  I wanted a shawl that measured around 14" X 53".  To knit one, I would need about 1022 yards. So, I began calculating warp & weft threads.  I knew I would have to use another yarn for the warp but did I have enough handspun for the weft?  I decided on tabby (plain weave) because I knew I needed to have a balanced weave structure to get more "bang for my buck."  Not to mention the yarn is variegated and I wanted to show off the yarn.  Here's how:

The Dream Shawl

A 14" X 53" plain weave at 20 epi at 20 ppi and no fringe.

I calculated how much warp I would need so I had to figure out the working length of my project.
To calculate warp:

  • project length + fringe + take-up (10% average) + shrinkage (10% average) + loom waste =Total Warp Length

  • 53 + 0 + 5.3 + 5.83 + 36 (my loom leaves 1/2 yard (18") at front & back apron) = 100.13 Inches
Oh, I should say, use English or Metric calculations but don't mix them.

  • finished width + draw-in (1-2") + shrinkage (10%) = On Loom Width (OLW)

  • OLW x warp set (epi) = Warp Ends Needed

  • 14 + 2 +1.6 + 20 (epi) = 352 Ends for my project
Now I convert my inches into yards:

  • total length (in inches) x warp ends needed = total warp (in inches)

  • total warp / 36 (36" in 1 yard) = total yards needed

  • 100.13 x 352 = 35245.76

  • 35245.76 / 36 = 979.05 yards needed for my project
With this information, I know I need to buy 980 yards of my warp yarn.  This information is also useful because with these number, I can calculate my weft.  This will tell me if I have enough handspun yarn.
To calculate your weft:

  • length of one weft shot in inches (width + 10%) x shots per inch (ppi) = inches needed to weave 1 inch of cloth

  • that number x inches in cloth (project length + shrinkage 5%) = weft needed for project

  • divide that number by 36 = yards needed.

  • 15.4 x 20 = 308(105.13) = 32380.04 / 36 = 899 yards needed for my shawl.
 Well, needless to say I could not get enough weft yarn out of the 8 ounces of handspun to complete the shawl of my dreams.  I'm still going to weave a shawl out of this yarn.  I just have to spin more yarn.

The Rebound Shawl

This shawl is 12" X 40" plain weave at 10 epi and 10 ppi, still no fringe.

I won't do the math again, since you have everything to calculate it yourself.  But I will give you my answers:


  • total length:  80.4"

  • loom width:  15."

  • ends needed:  154

  • total warp:  12381.6" or 343.9 yards

  • length of one weft shot:  44"

  • ppi:                                   10

  • inches per inch:             440"

  • woven inches:                46.2"

  • total weft:                        20328"  or 564.66 yards
Even if I want to make the rebound shawl, I would need to spin another 5 ounces.  To get enough yardage of weft.  I hope this shows how difficult it is to spin now and match a project later.  I could change the variables to make it work, but would I get the shawl I actually want?  If you are going to spend the time making something, shouldn't it be something you really want?    I had fun doing the math because I do love numbers!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

COWG Kente Workshop

This was really a big stretch for me considering how shy I am.  It took me 3 months to work out the draft for our type of loom.  Let me back up.

I spent the last 6 months working on a method to weave kente on our modern loom.  The traditional kente loom used in Ghana has a lot more wiggle room than our floor looms.  I worked out a draft that is really close to the traditional kente but I'm not quite there yet.  The cloth looks almost identical to the cloth I wove in Ghana except for some very small differences.  So I'm going to continue to work out the bugs.

I offered a two day workshop for the our local weaver's guild.  I had 19 in attendance.  I wasn't expecting that many.  I taught my modified kente techniques for the Jack style loom.  Many of the participants warped their looms with 20/2 cotton.  Only 3 tried the traditional 120/2. 

I will definately teach it again.  My only regret is that I didn't take any picture.  Some of the other guild members took picture so hopefully I can get copies for you to see.  I forget about the whole picture taking thing.  The purpose of me teaching the workshop was to get over my shyness.  I think I'm on my way.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kente Workshop

Sorry it's been a while since I updated the blog.  I wanted to share with you my adventures while I was learning to weave in Ghana.  But since I've been back in the States, there has been so much happening in my Kente World that I'm having a difficult time back tracking.  So what I have decided to do is to combine them.  I will share both what's going on now and give you a little history about what happened in Ghana while I was learning.

For any weavers interested, I am teaching a workshop on Kente Weaving Feb. 20-21, 2010.  If you want to take the workshop or would like to host one in your area, feel free to contact me.

Until we speak again, Blue Skies!