The airport was bigger than I expected. The plane landed and we exited outside. They herded us to a covered walkway. It reminded me of the plastic shelters seen at a state fair. The plastic held in the heat so it was steamy. It was like walking into a sauna. I quickly made my way to the building. Once you enter the building, there were 3 lines. One for residents, one for those who had VISAs and "VISAs on Arrival." I proceeded to the far left line, there were only 2 couples in front of me.
The security guard guided me to Room 3. I sat in this cramped, concrete walled room. It had one window that looked out onto the taxiway. I wondered, "what was I thinking?" Then I noticed the curtains were made of Kente Cloth. For some odd reason I felt comforted by its presence. After, the Immigrations Officer finished his call, he asked me why I was there. I told him to learn to weave Kente. He looked at me like I had two heads and granted me a VISA.
I rushed to the luggage claims area. I couldn't pick up my luggage until I had a VISA. I was afraid my luggage was not going to be there when I arrived. I pick up my luggage, grabbed one of the many taxis that were waiting and headed to my hotel.
I know you're getting tired of the ground work but, I thought it was necessary to share with you that this was not an easy trip. In order to become a Master Ashanti Weaver, I had to go back a second time. Have you every wanted something so bad you were "hell bent" on achieving it? If so, post a comment. Tell me what it was and how you overcame your obstacles. I think it will be inspiring for everyone!
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